Price of your stay at bed and breakfast “les Passiflores”
Here are our rates in euros for the year 2025, breakfast offered and tourist tax included. Prices are degressive depending on the length of your stay.
1 night
3 nights and more
3 nights and more half-board
7 nights and more
7 nights and more half-board
These prices include the tourist tax of 0.88 € per adult per night.
Extra bed : 30 euros per night.
Dinner with starter, main course, dessert, aperitif, wine and coffee included: 33 euros per person.
Possibility of children’s menu up to 12 years : 12 euros.
Extra bed : 30 euros per night.
Dinner with starter, main course, dessert, aperitif, wine and coffee included: 33 euros per person.
Possibility of children’s menu up to 12 years : 12 euros.
Payment accepted in cash or credit card.
Half board rates include room, breakfasts and dinners for 2 persons.
Half board rates include room, breakfasts and dinners for 2 persons.
Good to know
For any reservation of 7 nights or more in half-board, recorded 3 months in advance, a 10% discount will be granted.The discount is no longer applied in case of modification or cancellation of the stay.